4 reasons why our students love our online learning

Everything has moved online since 2020, we work online from our homes, children attend school online, we even go to gym classes online. Language education is no different, and in March 2020 GermanMind moved classes online, and continued to find massive success with all our students.

In this blog we look at reasons why our students love learning German online:

Location- We have students all over Ireland attend our classes, we even had students from the U.K. Our classes are more accessible to budding students who have a thirst for German, but may not be able to visit our school in Dublin city centre. Online classrooms have provided an opportunity for people all over Ireland to access high quality German language education.

Interactive- All existing students who moved from in-class learning to online learning have commented on the interactivity of our online classes. We pride ourselves on creating a fun and friendly atmosphere in class, and with small class sizes this is made possible, providing opportunities for every student to speak in class, including reading activities and presentations.

Support- Every student is asked about their language goals upon starting a course at GermanMind. Some may be learning German for career advancement, some for fun, regardless of motive, we cater to their needs by tailoring exercises and activities and supporting them throughout their language journey, in class and outside. Your native German teachers are just an email away, ready to answer any question, to bounce ideas off, and to check in on your progress.

Hands on Teachers- Every teacher at Germanmind is German, and every teacher is passionate about teaching their native language and culture. Not only will students learn German to the highest standard, they will also learn a variety of dialects, and knowledge about Germany, it’s heritage and culture. Don’t be fooled by the eagerness of the teachers, they will also give weekly homework assignments and will check to ensure you completed it to the best of your ability. Your teachers are your comrades in learning German, and will do everything they can to make the experience fun and positive.

With all our classes online right now, we had to ask our students what they thought, so check out our students testimonials.

If you would like more information on our online learning courses, check out our group courses and timetable.