Vocabulary is essential when learning German (or any language) because it allows you to communicate effectively and understand others.
Without a strong grasp of vocabulary, you may struggle to express yourself and may have difficulty understanding what others are saying.
Here are some reasons why vocabulary is important when learning German:
Communication: Vocabulary provides the building blocks for communication in any language. When you know more words in German, you can communicate more effectively with others and express yourself more accurately.
Understanding: In order to understand German text, conversation, or other forms of communication, it's essential to have a strong vocabulary. The more words you know, the easier it is to comprehend what you are reading or hearing.
Confidence: Knowing a wide range of German vocabulary can boost your confidence in your ability to communicate effectively in German. It helps you to feel more comfortable and confident when speaking or writing in German.
Cultural knowledge: Language is closely tied to culture, and learning German vocabulary can give you insight into the culture, history, and customs of German-speaking countries.
In short, building a strong vocabulary is crucial to achieving fluency in German and being able to effectively communicate with native speakers.

As a beginner learning German, here are some of the most important German words you should focus on:
Greetings and Common Phrases: Hallo (Hello), Auf Wiedersehen (Goodbye), Bitte (Please), Danke (Thank you), Entschuldigung (Excuse me), Entschuldigen Sie (Sorry, formal), Ja (Yes), Nein (No), etc.
Numbers: Eins (One), Zwei (Two), Drei (Three), Vier (Four), Fünf (Five), Sechs (Six), Sieben (Seven), Acht (Eight), Neun (Nine), Zehn (Ten), etc.
Days of the Week, Months, and Seasons: Montag (Monday), Januar (January), Frühling (Spring), etc.
Family Members: die Mutter (Mother), der Vater (Father), der Bruder (Brother), die Schwester (Sister), etc.
Food and Drink: das Brot (Bread), das Wasser (Water), der Kaffee (Coffee), der Tee (Tea), etc.
Basic Verbs: Sein (To Be), Haben (To Have), Essen (To Eat), Trinken (To Drink), Gehen (To Go), etc.
Colors: Rot (Red), Blau (Blue), Grün (Green), Gelb (Yellow), etc.
Common Objects: das Buch (Book), der Stift (Pen), der Stuhl (Chair), der Tisch (Table), etc.
Time and Dates: die Stunde (Hour), die Minute (Minute), die Sekunde (Second), Heute (Today), Morgen (Tomorrow), etc.
Basic Directions: Links (Left), Rechts (Right), Geradeaus (Straight), Hoch (Up), Runter (Down), etc.

Here are some of the most essential German nouns for beginners:
der Mann - man
die Frau - woman
das Kind - child
die Familie - family
das Haus - house
das Zimmer - room
der Tisch - table
der Stuhl - chair
das Bett - bed
das Buch - book
der Bleistift - pencil
der Kuli - pen
das Essen - food
das Wasser - water
die Stadt - city
das Land - country
der Flughafen - airport
der Bahnhof - train station
das Auto - car
das Fahrrad - bicycle
Learning these basic German nouns will help you to communicate and understand the world around you in German. As you progress in your studies, you will learn more advanced vocabulary and grammar to expand your knowledge of the language.
Here are some of the most essential German verbs for beginners:
sein - to be
haben - to have
gehen - to go
kommen - to come
machen - to make/do
sagen - to say
sehen - to see
hören - to hear
verstehen - to understand
sprechen - to speak
essen - to eat
trinken - to drink
lesen - to read
schreiben - to write
arbeiten - to work
Learning these basic German verbs will help you to express yourself in various situations and form basic sentences.
Here are some of the most essential German adjectives for beginners:
groß - big
klein - small
gut - good
schlecht - bad
schön - beautiful/nice
hässlich - ugly
alt - old
jung - young
teuer - expensive
billig - cheap
langsam - slow
schnell - fast
leicht - light/easy
schwer - heavy/difficult
interessant - interesting
Learning these basic German adjectives will help you to describe people, things and situations in your everyday life. As you progress in your studies, you will learn more advanced vocabulary and grammar to further expand your knowledge of the language.

Both vocabulary and grammar are important when learning German, and it's difficult to say which one is more important than the other. Here are some reasons why both are crucial:
Vocabulary: Vocabulary is the foundation of any language. It's essential to have a good understanding of German vocabulary in order to communicate effectively and understand others. Without vocabulary, it's impossible to express yourself in the language or comprehend what others are saying. Vocabulary also helps you to develop your reading and writing skills.
Grammar: Grammar provides the structure and rules that govern the language. It's important to understand German grammar in order to form correct sentences and communicate effectively. Without grammar, your sentences may be difficult to understand or even incorrect. Grammar also helps you to develop your listening and speaking skills.
Therefore, both vocabulary and grammar are important aspects of learning German and should be given equal attention. It's important to focus on building your vocabulary and developing your grammar skills simultaneously in order to achieve fluency in the language.
As a beginner student of German, there are several important grammar concepts that you should focus on learning.
Here are some of the most essential German grammar concepts for beginners:
Nouns and Gender: All German nouns have a gender (masculine, feminine or neuter) and it's important to learn the gender of nouns when you learn new vocabulary.
Articles: German has definite (der, die, das) and indefinite (ein, eine) articles that must agree with the gender of the noun.
Verb Conjugation: German verbs change depending on the subject (I, you, he/she/it, we, you, they) and the tense (present, past, future).
Word Order: In German, the word order is different from English. The basic word order in a sentence is subject-verb-object (SVO).
Modal Verbs: Modal verbs (such as "can," "should," "must") are an important part of German grammar and are used to express ability, obligation, and permission.
Cases: German has four cases (nominative, accusative, dative, and genitive) that determine the form of articles, adjectives, and pronouns in a sentence.
By mastering these essential grammar concepts, you'll be able to form basic sentences and communicate effectively in German.
As you progress in your studies, you'll learn more advanced grammar concepts to further develop your proficiency in the language.