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Online Learning - the best time is NOW!

Hello from my home-office 👋 I am in the lucky position that our house has an office room, small (actually, tiny) but nice. Or in German: Klein, aber fein.

Big desk for the laptop, a shelf for my German books and a cosy armchair - what else do you need when you work from home?

And a dog bed for Henry Hund who loves the fact that we are home all day now and work remotely ❤

No Coronavirus Cabin Fever for Henry! There are a good few ways to beat cabin fever.

Here is my TOP 3 to stay cool when working from home!

➡️ Learn something NEW! There are so many online offers at the moment. Have a look at our next German courses online! So, how about learning GERMAN online while stuck at home!? Good idea - check out our early bird discounts for everyone who stays at home!

➡️ VC-meeting, WhatsApp calls and Voice messages (my favorite), Video calls... my batteries is constantly low on 2%. When I am not teaching German, I talk online to my friends here in Dublin and in Germany. And while we keep each other updated about COVID-19, it's equally as important to have fun and more normal topics - especially when you stay indoors without your normal routine...

➡️ Plan ahead for the days after Coronavirus. Soon, soon, soon! I already started my list. Hello friends, hello students, I see you soon! In person!

Obviously, number one is my best and favourite tip when working remotely. What are yours? Let me know!


Check out our 25% Early Bird discounts for our German Beginner Courses and also for our private classes - stay at home and learn German with us online. But: Stay at home when you learn German with us.


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