Join one of our next online German courses here at GermanMind.
Small, interactive and live classes, native German teachers, a virtual classroom and brilliant online material are just a few reasons why our students love learning German with us. Here we go - let´s learn German online!
Practice your speaking skills in our private German classes and Group courses ONLINE, boost your career, land a job in Germany or get into university. And the best is: We offer a 25% discount on ALL our German private classes and German Group courses until the end of APRIL
We know, this is a difficult time for all of us: working from home, social distancing, staying at home... Are bored and not challenged enough? Is Coronoavirus always on your mind?
We have been seeing so many of our students enjoying their Online German Courses and Classes with us - so many happy faces.
Our German courses have always also been about bringing people together, people who are new in Dublin, who want to move to Germany or people who want to improve their existing German or learn German from scratch because of a German partner or German friends. My list could go on forever...
We want to help make it easier for our students to experience moments of connection and happiness during a dark period with COVID-19. Yes, learning can be fun, even learning German :D!
Stay at home & learn German online!