When Covid-19 hit the world, it also hit our classrooms as we had to teach our students the basic vocabulary related to the crisis we were living in. With coronavirus still prevalent in society, and with some measures set to become precedent, we list the essential words and phrases you need to know about Covid-19.
die Pandemie – pandemic
die Gesundheit – health
die Selbstisolierung – self-isolation
die Handhygiene – hand hygiene
der Impfstoff – vaccine
Mensch zu Mensch – from person to person, be aware that this is how the virus spreads
die soziale Distanzierung - social distancing
der Husten - cough
das Fieber – fever
infiziert – infected
Der Online-Unterricht - Online classes
Die Maske - Mask
Das Händedesinfektionsmittel - Hand sanitiser
Die Schließungen - Closures
Der Lockdown - Lockdown
Die Reisebeschränkungen - Travel restrictions
Der Covid-Test - Covid test
Der Abstrich - Swab
Die Covid-Tageswerte - Covid daily figures
Die Sicherheit - safety
Here are GermanMind we take the safety of our students very seriously, and teach all German courses and German classes online during lockdown. When in class (when safe to do so) we ensure small class sizes with 5 students max in class, We have windows and doors open for ventilation, and provide hand sanitiser for all students, as well as wearing masks ourselves.