First, we need to define what we are talking about. What are two-part conjunctions? Well, as the name suggests, they are conjunctions that are used in two parts. But that's a terrible definition.
How about: They are words that connect other words, phrases, and clauses, where one part must be in one half of the sentence and another part in the other half. Basically, these are words we use in two different parts of a sentence to connect the words, phrases, or clauses within that sentence.

Fortunately for everyone involved, most of these conjunctions are considered "coordinating," meaning they do not change word order. The hardest part about using these conjunctions is knowing where to put them. Once you understand this and know what they mean, you will be able to use them without any problems.

The first item is the combination of "either" and "or". In English, we use "either" and "or." This conjunction combines two or more options and presents them in such a way that you can only have one.
I'm going to buy either a pair of pants or a dress.
Two-part conjunctions
To use this conjunction and the others on the list of coordinating two-part conjunctions, you put "either" before the first option or half. Then you put "or" before the second option or the second half of the sentence. You can use these two parts to introduce an entire sentence or just a word or two. Let's start with a few words.
Two-part conjunctions with complete sentences
In German, when you use a two-part conjunction to connect two complete sentences, each part must be at the beginning of the respective sentence, that is, the first half of the conjunction is in the first half of the sentence. The second half of the conjunction is in the second half of the sentence.
